Finding Balance in Our World

You are deserving of peace in the mind and body. Allowing rest and receiving care has become difficult for many people. We live in a capitalist society which demands an incredible amount of energy from us. We all have been trained to be productive, to perform until we either burn out, get injured, or become ill. By no means do we want to demonize western medicine, but it's no secret that it is causing harm in many ways. And. Let's go ahead and take alternative medicine off of a pedestal because it has just as many faults. 

In our every day life it is easy to put ourselves on the back burner. We consume ourselves with work, reach for a drink to unwind, Netflix instead of journal, or we get addicted to running! We all have our vice. Ultimately, how I see it is that we try and run away from ourselves and from our suffering.

Also, there's something to say about how we are our own worst critic. We keep ourselves stuck in habitual patterns that do not serve us even when we know they cause us harm. It isn't all our fault. Our society now has made us addicted to scrolling the internet and live streaming our lives. This all takes an immense amount of energy. Our brains have to digest all of the bombarding information coming at us. That atop of our endless workload to be and do better as human beings. 

At True Bleu Healing Arts we work on a daily basis with clients who are anxious, depressed, injured, exhausted, and desperate for REST. We are here to remind you that rest is not a luxury, it is a necessity. 

To be healthy in our mind and body we must learn to find balance and slow down in our fast paced world. Receiving regular bodywork is an incredible way to honor our body, to be present with ourselves, and to heal. Though bodywork is not a fix-all.

We have to learn to show up for ourselves. Going to work at our construction job doesn't replace deliberate exercise. It simply isn't the same. For healing happen we must learn to be with ourselves and to take time to nourish our mind and body on a daily basis. Our daily habits either deplete or nourish us and we are an ever morphing bunch of cells! With that said, what nourishes us today may not be what nourishes us tomorrow.

All this to say may we stop looking outside of ourselves for validation and healing. May we get present with ourselves. May we ask help when we our suffering. May we give ourselves permission to feel and grieve. May we adopt a loving voice toward ourselves. May we know inside of our hearts that we are deserving of support and care. May we give ourselves support and care. 

I welcome you to schedule in time for rest each day. I invite you to ask yourself in your check ins "what will nourish me in this moment?" and listen to what your body has to say.

Take good care, 



Holiday Self Care Gifts


Rest is a Necessity