Help yourself > Help Our Planet

It is my belief, that when we find peace within, we can show up in the world in a more powerful way. That being said, our earth and its inhabitants are in dire need of some love right now. FYI this post, like many, has nothing to do with massage, but has to do with how important we think it is to become aware of your mind, body, and actions - for our world!  How can we show up for our world? I believe in the power and importance of showing up at rallies to speak out for what we believe in. I believe in the power to protest what we disagree with too. However, what I believe our earth needs most is to stop relying on (and  continue to push for) government change and start taking action in our own lives and educating others to do the same - that being, becoming mindful about the choices that we make every single day. 

If each individual were aware of their inner-being (actions, thoughts, & words...)
If they learned to self soothe and nurture their hearts when they were feeling sad or angry
If they knew in their hearts that they are deserving of love
If they stopped living in survival mode 
If they practiced to love themselves each day  
If they prioritized themselves over others 
If they could ask for help in times of need 
If they were curious about their trauma patterns
If they were eager to heal their trauma
If they challenged their beliefs  
If they allowed themselves to quiet and stop the rat race 
what kind of world would we be living in?

I believe that by helping ourselves first, becoming aware, and practicing self love we can help create a more conscious, peaceful and beautiful world. We can raise children that are more conscious and compassionate to themselves and others. We can be more in tune with ourselves, thus being in tune with our natural world. We can create a more peaceful world by creating peace within and being an example for everyone we come in contact with.

Education is power. Awareness is power. We as a collective (individuals) must make better decisions. Small steps are better than none.. there is always room for improvement within. For the sake of being, please be mindful of your footprint and become aware of how every action you make, every "thing" you purchase, every response you have, every moment you stop and become compassionate to yourself, can make the world a better place.

We have created a "Help Yourself > Help Our Planet" contribution fund for wildlife rescue and rehabilitation in Australia! For each massage session you receive at True Bleu Healing Arts, we will donate $5 to a wildlife fund. Please support yourself in these dire times and know that you are deserving of a life filled with beauty and love. For the goodness of all beings become more conscious! Face your fears! And love yourself more!!!  

with love,


Craniosacral Therapy


Holiday Self Care Gifts